VISIONA community where everyone can live well.
MISSIONETHNN is a network of individuals and organizations working together for strengthened programs, connection, and improved awareness of services that meet essential human needs.
(Individuals) We value and respect the voice of the individuals in need. |
(Organization) We value responsiveness to the needs of our community. |
(Collective Impact) We value community welfare, development of programs and services that meet real physical, social, or psychological needs. |
East Texas Human Needs Network is a Public Charity, exempt under IRS Code 501 (c) 3.
Contributions are deductible under section 170 of the Code. We are also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code. EIN: 47-3337214. |
East Texas Human Needs Network was established as a response to meet needs of enormous scale that transcend the capacity of individual agencies.
Our members are individuals representing public, private, and faith-based organizations and interested members of our community. Membership is inclusive and there is no cost. ETHNN helps those who help others and has over 100 member organizations. |
East Texas Human Needs Network is led by a small Board of Directors. We are guided by collaborative governance and controlled by consensus. The Network is led by Interim CEO Raven Bagley. The CEO works to draw isolated groups and individuals into working relationships as an effective network; combines community organizing skills with collaborative leadership; and helps organize diverse and creative ideas of numerous contributors without centralizing power and decision-making.
There are six standing Councils, each Council has a Chair and collectively the Chairs, along with the CEO make up the Steering Council. The Steering Council is responsible for planning, calling, and conducting activities. The Steering Council serves on the Board of Directors. |